Friday, October 24, 2008

BTN best!!

last nite...i ve md a mistake in judge about BTN..i thought BTN will mk me feel bored..but then..i realized that BTN is not bored actually..the fasilitator has open up my mind...he has a gud communication n very well in briefing us last nite..
we all hv a great talk last nite...its about sejarah melayu...
its all about malay n islam..
Now...i know wht the purpose of this prgm...UiTM wanna try to mk us realized that don evr2 lupa asal-usul kita...
Once kita dah berjaya in future..bantulah adik2 kita yg akn berada d UiTM d mase kan dtg..
Dont ever2 forget to mk contribution to the place that has give u a lot of knowledgess and experiences..Bantulah org2 melayu utk lbh maju n bersedia memikul tggungjwb memelihara kedaulatan negara Malaysia..
the slideshow present mk me sad n cry..its all about penindasan terhadap org2 Islam..
Kita d Malaysia patut bersyukur atas kenikmatan n kemakmuran yg Allah dalm kite bersyukur, kite perlu juga mengingati saudara2 kita yg sedang dlm kesusahan,penderitaan,kesedihan,kelaparan...
one thing i really angry last nite is bcoz most of BTN parcipants mk noisy..they don gv a commitment in what fasilator talking about..inilah org doesnt matter happen to others..dont happen to them sudah...huh...never think about other people..
inikah yg kerajaan harapkan dr graduan2 yg konon2 nye akan memimpin ngara??
they can get a great results but then their sense of thinking is so worst..

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